20 Carldon Lane (*)
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel: 631-265-2326
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Prints from the Great Depression
WPA (Works project Administration) was a program set up under FDR's New Deal.
It's purpose was to put millions of unemployed Americans to work through governmental projects,
many of which involved rebuilding American infrastructure such as highways, bridges, parks, etc.
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Works On Paper 2008
This list contains works by:
John Taylor Arms,
Thomas Hart Benton,
Felix Buhot,
Adolf Dehn, Kerr Eby,
Hans Figura,
Gordon Grant,
Axel H. Haig,
Irwin Hoffman,
Alfred Hutty,
Philip Kappel,
Luigi Kasimir,
Rockwell Kent,
Armin Landeck,
Auguste Lepere,
Louis Lozowick,
Reginald Marsh,
Peter Moran,
Meta Pluckebaum,
T.F. Simon, and
John Sloan.
To receive a copy of the list which contains (66) non-illustrated works,
please telephone or e-mail your request.
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Print Makers 2008
This list contains works by:
This list contains works by
John Taylor Arms,
Peggy Bacon,
Frank W.Benson,
Felix Buhot,
Andrew Butler,
Adolf Dehn,
Hans Figura,
Emil Ganso,
Gordon Grant,
Childe Hassam,
William Heaslip,
Eugene Higgins,
Joseph Hirsch,
Otto Kuhler,
Paul Landacre,
Luigi Lucioni,
Reginald Marsh,
Ben Messick,
Meta Pluckebaum,
Ernest D.Roth and
Ronau Woiceske
(71) non-illustrated works, please telephone or Email your request.
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Artists Listed
1092 Selected Prints
128111 Visitors
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Beginning Collectors
For the beginning collector the reason for collecting may be love
of art or interest in subject matter. Tastes vary for each
When buying art, one should always ask the question- "Do I
want to live with it?" The test of pictures is in living with
Before buying, study and learn all you can about prints.
The best way to do this is, visit museums, libraries, and
print fairs. The development of good taste comes with the
training of your eye when viewing images and the styles of
various artists.
Never believe you should buy anything because it is a good
investment. Buy what you like when you know why you like it.
One always hopes the days of the investor-collector will
become a thing of the past.
One last bit of sound advice is buy from reputable dealers.
Lester George Hornby
Lester George Hornby was born in Massachusetts and received
his early training in fine arts at the Rhode Island School
of Design and The Art Students League in New York. Hornby's
graphic output includes about 330 etchings, drypoints, color
aquatints, and lithographs, done from 1905 through the
His technique was often complicated and variable before the
desired effect was achieved. He used different sands and
powdered resins to obtain various effects in the shadows
and lines of his finished product. Also, his wiping
techniques or retroussage in printing gave him excellent
results in the large areas of light and shadows, which
were prominent in so many of his plates.
After the conclusion of World War 1, Hornby, became less
intrigued with dramatic tones and atmospheric effects and
concentrated more on achieving effect through the line
itself. During the 1940's he became interested in
lithography and produced some strong images such as, Night
Watch, The Plowman, and Palais de Justice La Conciergerie.
Never an equal to his earlier etchings, they did however,
evoke a mystique through shadows and atmospheric effect.
It should be mentioned that edition sizes are only
approximate, as Hornby may have intended to print in the
edition sizes noted, but usually printed in smaller numbers.
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Philip Kappel
Philip Kappel was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1901,
and graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York,
in 1924. Three years later he was admitted into Who's Who
in America, the youngest individual ever listed.
For many years he was employed as an artist by the major
steamship lines in the United States, such as, the Columbia
Line, American Export Lines, and the Cuba Mail Line. His
artwork became a record of shipping, past and present,
forming a fascinating collection of the ships and men
who sailed them.
His technique showed the hand of an
illustrator's pen and ink, bold strokes were used for
emphasis and clarity of design. At other times he used
combinations of light and dark, forming silhouettes,
which he learned from the marine artist, Philip Little,
while spending summers in Salem, Massachusetts. This
silhouette style can be seen in some of Kappel's drypoints,
and his illustrations for C.W. Taussig's book, Rum, Romance,
and Rebellion.
Kappel received many awards for his work.
The Bijur Prize, Brooklyn Society of Etchers, 1926, for the
print, Repairs. In 1946, Off El Morro, Puerto Rico,
received a Purchase Prize in the First Annual National Art
Competition held by Associated American Artists, New York.
First Prize for, Winter Tracery, New Milford Green, Arts
and Crafts Association of Meriden, 1950. First Prize for,
Sugar Maples in Spring, Kappel Residence, Meriden Art
Association, 1961.
He was the author of several books, the most noted being,
Boothbay Harbor-A Portfolio of Sketches, 1924, Louisiana
Gallery, 1950, Jamaica Gallery, 1960, and New England
Gallery, 1966. The last showing a fond appreciation for his
New England heritage, containing 131 drawings and text
of the areas most intimate and cherished places.
Not only was Kappel recognized for his graphic artwork,
but also as an authority on Chinese porcelain, Japanese art,
and American and English antiques. He has written and
lectured extensively on these topics.
In finalizing the works of Philip Kappel,
one must state, he honestly and directly recorded the
sailing vessels and steamships bound for various ports
of call. The men and ships sailing these waters were
depicted in the rich burr of drypoint, capturing bright
sunlight on paper with open white spaces. His romance
with the sea and man's struggle with its elements and
quieter moments were fulfilled.
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George Overbury "Pop" Hart
Hart was born in Cairo, Illinois, and for the most part was
self-taught, although, he spent some time at the Chicago Art
Institute and the Academie Julian in Paris. No doubt, his
impatience with academic learning caused him to leave,
but he was encouraged by, and learned from his artist
Hart was more content living the simple life over affluence
and critic recognition. The small amount of money he
received from sign painting, and stage designs for movie
sets, was used for his travels to warm and distant places.
Traveling to Mexico, Central America, North Africa, the
Caribbean and South Seas, Hart, experienced life with
excitement, amusement, and empathy.
More than eighty prints portray his vagabond encounters on
paper, in an experimental manner, rather than conventional.
The use of broad strokes, liquid tusche washes, sandpaper,
roulette, and monotype, helped to achieve a painter like
quality in his work. Hart's images show exuberance in the
everyday life of working people at cockfights, fiestas,
outdoor markets, and leisure activities.
This was an artist that loved creating images,
and the people, seen, in them.
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Browse ALL our Artists
 Elisha Kent Kane Wetherill  Anders Zorn  Rockwell Kent  Rosa Rush  Lillian Adelman  Umberto Romano  Emanuele Brugnoli  Warrington Colescott  Henry Alvin Sharpe  Nelson Dawson  Louis Lozowick  Doris Spiegel  Erich Buttner  Emilio Sanchez  Joseph Gray  Albert Sterner  Mortimer Borne  Doris Lee  Lyman Byxbe  Gerald K. Geerlings  Will Barnet  Robert Hogg Nisbet  John Taylor Arms  Victoria Hutson Huntley  George Overbury Pop Hart
About Us: Egon & Joan Teichert
Egon and Joan Teichert have been private dealers in fine American and
Continental works on paper for over twenty years.
We have a major commitment to fine American prints by forgotten or not well-known
artists who, today, deserve further attention from collectors and the art loving
public. By a "fine print" we mean an original work of art done by one person,
the artist. On our Exhibition site we will continue to show fine images of
forgotten American graphic artists from the 19th and 20th century.
We are also enamored with drawings and water colors as they tend to show
the personal reflections of the artist's creative process, before rendering
the final, finished work.
American women artists, have usually been overlooked over the decades.
We will do our utmost to extend care in developing this area, as well as
subject oriented images. New York City scenes are a particular favorite of
the gallery.
The Gallery News site will exhibit our current price list or catalogue
with illustrations. Those wishing to down load may do so. Others may Email
or telephone their request.
We shall continue to promote prints and drawings of quality at a price
most beginning and advanced collectors can afford. For those wishing to
visit us at Print Fairs or other Shows, please check our Calendar.
Institutions that have purchased prints:
- Roswell Museum of Art, New Mexico
- Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, Missouri
- Denver Art Museum
- University of Iowa Museum of Art
- National Museum of Wildlife Art, Wyoming
- Georgetown University Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
- United States Naval Academy, Annapolis
- Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, Texas
- Pennsylvania State University